
 Hours after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, people rushed to libraries to read about the Taliban, Islam, Afghanistan, and terrorism. Americans sought background materials to foster understanding and cope with this horrific event. While the public turned to libraries for answers, the Bush Administration turned to the intelligence community for techniques to secure U.S. borders and reduce the possibility of more terrorism. The result was new legislation, most notably the "Uniting and Strengthening America by providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act" (USA Patriot Act), passed almost unanimously just six weeks after the events of September 11. The act grants unprecedented powers of federal law enforcement agencies to gather intelligence and investigate anyone they suspect of terrorism. Among the most troubling provisions is one that grants unprecedented authority to law enforcement agencies to obtain search warrants for business records, including those retained by libraries and bookstores, merely by claiming that the desired records may be related to an ongoing terrorism investigation or intelligence activities. Through a "gag order," the Act also prohibits any person or institution served with a search warrant from disclosing what has taken place.
 Officially, librarians may not comment on FBI visits to examine library users' Internet surfing and book-borrowing habits, but that has not stopped them from speaking out about the chilling effects of the USA Patriot Act on their users and communities. Responding with their usual swiftness, they began cautioning public officials against eroding freedoms immediately following the terrorist attacks when the American Library Association (ALA)joined forces with other civil liberties groups "In defense of Freedom." In January 2002, ALA passed a resolution reaffirming the principles of intellectual freedom in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks. That same year, ALA updated its guidelines for coping with law enforcement inquiries and hosted a series of programs to educate librarians about the law and its impact.
 One state library association taking action was Vermont. They visited their Representative Bernie Sanders (D-VT) who recalls, "I knew... it wasn't a good piece of legislation. But the people who really educated me were the librarians of Vermont. I received an extraordinarily well-written letter letter that articulated librarians' concerns and informed me of a number of aspects, especially Section 215, which I had not been familiar with." Growing public concern about the impact of the Patriot Act prompted Sanders to introduce legislation in March 2003 to counter some of the most egregious provisions of the law. Pundits never expected him to add more than a few additional names to the first 24 co-sponsors. By May 2004, however, Sanders had garnered more than 140 sponsors-Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives alike-in support of his "Freedom to Read Protection Act," H.R. 1157, a bill that would exempt libraries and bookstores from Section 215 and would require a higher standard of proof than mere suspicion for search warrants presented at libraries and bookstores. "I think librarians all over this country are unsung heroes and heroines who are doing a tremendous job, against very difficult odds," added Sanders. "I've been impressed by the willingness of librarians to go above and beyond the letter of their jobs... You'd expect them to fight for good budgets and jobs, but the librarians did not have to get on board this issue and say that, as librarians, we believe that all Americans should not have the government looking over their shoulder." (Nancy Kranich, "Another "Hysteric" Librarian for Freedom" in Peter Phillips and Project Censored, eds., Censored 2005 The Top 25 Censored Stories, Seven Stories Press, 2004, pp. 9-11)



 思い立って調べてみたら、最新版がちゃんと出ている。サンフランシスコから車で北上すること1時間ほど、ソノマ州立大学(前にお邪魔したSF Stateとお仲間かも)での実習授業がベースになっているらしい。こりゃすごいわ。

・節電の夏だから、涼しくお洒落に……クールビズYシャツで、ちょいモテ男になる!(巻頭カラー普通紙、pp. 25-28)
・「原子力の発電コストは安い」はウソ!? だったら原発に使ってる金で自然エネルギーにホンキになれ!! それでも原発続けるんですか?(pp. 124-127)
・折れて咲く花。写真は死なず。写真家・立木義浩が見た震災。高校生写真部に託した希望。(巻末カラーグラビア、pp. 141-145)
