 そういうわけで、こんなんしゃべりに行ってきます。ほとんど茶飲み話の延長のような話題でどんなリアクションがあるか(ないか)、ちょっと確かめてくる。詳細はこちらで(セッションタイトルは“The Making of the Common in Social Relations I”)。ネイティブチェックもしてないしいい加減な英語だが、これでも拾っていただけたのだから、英語それ自体のハードルはそんなに高くないだろう。…行く前に学校で予行演習しようかな。

What Is a “Man” in the Modern Japan?: An Overview of Family and Society
Keiji Fujiyoshi
Japan started its modern period in 1868 when the Meiji Government and the constitutional monarchy was established after the collapse of the Tokugawa Shogunate. In the following process of political and economic development, it experienced several wars and was eventually defeated in World War II in 1945. After that the Constitution of Japanese Empire was amended into the Constitution of Japan which is characterized by respect for basic human rights, pacifism, and sovereignty of the people. Usually, it is regarded as abandonment of militarism and adoption of democracy. The main purpose of the paper is to call the notion into question. It could be said that the Japanese people are moderate and polite in an ordinary situation but it must be recognized that there are some triggers that can drive them furious and cruel. This kind of cruelty is well known in a battle field but what must be paid attention to is their cruelty in more ordinary situations in everyday life. Sometimes they do not regard it as cruel and it is the point to understand some characteristic aspects of the seemingly moderate modern Japanese society. This kind of cruelty can be observed working in any familiar situations such as families, schools, or workplaces but it does not work as evil cruelty but as good-natured social motive. It often derives from the notion of “face” in the Japanese society. This paper focuses on the role of the “face” in the society of Japan and, by doing so, discuss the situation in which most of the Japanese men struggles with their beloved ones set aside. In what sense the notion of “face” overwhelms democracy in Japan shall be shown and then how it obliges men and women to be calmly cruel as ”man” and “woman” in a social sphere.
